Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Time has come........

First blog. Well, I have numerous other blogs, none of which I have kept up with since one of my defining traits is that I have horrible discipline in things like this........alas, this one will stick for the following reasons:

1. Noelle starting it and reminds me about it constantly.

2. It's about our family (really about our son,I know is a bit cliche, since every young parent has started to do a blog thing like this, but least I recognize it and I just don't care, b/c our little nugget of sweet fat baby love is the deal).

3. We have family that have blogs so it's easier to do them, b/c I read their all the time and then I think, "Ok, I have to keep up with them otherwise they will win. I can't let them win." (i hope they see the humor in that last statement).

So, that being said, here we are. Today is one of those mornings where you get up, you aren't all that tired, even though you didn't sleep all that soundly, your kid (if you have one, if not you can substitute pet, spouse, or yourself) is in a great mood, it's a really pretty morning, that cup of tea is just perfect, your egg and cheese breakfast burrito tastes like a little bit of Southwestern Cuisine Heaven, and the day just looks perfect from the get go. Then, out of no where your child, completely has a Jeckyl & Hyde converstion and starts screaming. Like a wolf in the night, howling at the top of his lungs, screaming "bloody murder, bloody murder......someone Please Help Me!!" (these exact words might not come out directly, but it's my guess what they are thinking in their heads). Then, out of no where, he's regained his sanity and you know what...... WE LOVE IT.

As a parent, sometimes there is nothing more rewarding than watching this display of adorable insanity as I call it.

Speaking of Adorable Insanity or maybe just gut-busting, mind blowing , life-changing video........just watch this:

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